NM 556 over the north diversion channel
Client: NMDOT
Owner: NMDOT
Project Location: Albuquerque, NM
Design Completion Date: 03/2006
Project Details:
Existing precast concrete girder bridge built in 1966
Special analysis of existing girders to determine unusual crack patterns found on exterior girders.
Rehabilitation design to:
replace bridge deck and barrier railings,
repair concrete at pier caps, abutment seats and wingwalls,
construct new approach slabs,
replace bearings and joints,
replace damaged girders.
- Construction was completed in three phases to maintain use of roadway during construction.
- Construction was completed in 2007.
Seven spans with an overall bridge length of 544'.
Continuous for HS-20 live loading.
- Bridge width of 57'-8" for four lanes of traffic and outside shoulders.